I love the Holiday season. From Thanksgiving on everything seems more magical. Although, atmospherically speaking, the weather is getting colder and the daylight lesser, the days and nights leading up to Christmas are unmistakingly warm and bright. There are fires going, hot beverages flowing, and sparkly Christmas lights eagerly strung to coincide with the present feelings of happiness and excitement. It is my favorite time of year.
This Thanksgiving (the day that officially initiates these feelings) was the best Thanksgiving to date. Out of all my 23 Thanksgivings, this one was different and special. It was the first real holiday spent with mine and Chloe's large, happy, ever-growing family. My six sisters and brother, Mom and Dad, her sister and brother-in-law, nieces, Mom, and Dad, Uncle Bobby, Kaboo, and Craig and Cordie. I was excited all day. We had our joe and admired our outdoor decorations, watched the Macy's parade and the ever-painfully, hilarious "A Christmas Story", and set up the house leisurely until the late afternoon, when the crowd would arrive.
You would think there would be chaos, or stress with all those people, and yes the police, fire station, and emergency personel did all show, but the joy and comfort of everyone there over-rode any sign or threat of ill-spirit. Chloe and I both believe that our families are meant to be together... all the time. The way we all fit, and the way we belong to each other makes sense. It makes everyone happy to be together. Christmas is the time to be together. To get so extremely full. To be on the verge of bursting, and I am not just referring to food. It is time for everyone to cram together, under blankets, and laugh as we get on each other's nerves. I know this Christmas will be the most special of all my 23 Christmas', just as Thanksgiving was. It's the combination of happy spirits bouncing around each other with glee and hilarity. That's how I can describe all us kids together, and that's how I know Christmas will be pure magic.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Food for Thought

One thing is for certain, Cassie and I would not be able to live in a foodless world. Even if we were made to not have to eat...something deep down inside of us would know something was missing. We are strong lovers of food. One could say our entire day revolves around food, even though we don't necessarily eat as often as we should. Our days usually get busy, our minds get distracted, and next thing you know--it's going on 3pm and all we've had was a cup of coffee and a few pretzel sticks. That's not simply by our own choice...we are not the meal skipping types. We just happen to get weary from not having any food, therefor causing our minds to get distracted with other things.
We usually like to plan special picnics together. Often times we will visit one of our favorite spots with a blanket, two plastic wine cups, a cooler full of cheese, apples and sparkling water, and a large baguette. We set up in a sunny area and dine with glorious pleasure. Over the summer we'd make elaborate cheese platters and small middle eastern dishes for snacks. Visiting New York with the guys, food was almost a constant (and the best part was that we would walk block after block and eventually burn off all the food we ate, so we could happily eat more).

At the park, we spent a good 40 minutes running around, laughing, playing, and taking pictures of each other. We stayed until the sun vanished behind a large hill and the temperature had dropped to an uncomfortable degree. We rode home and made it back in time for dinner. I had prepared stuffed peppers the day before. Once dinner had ended, we went to the movies to see our current favorite film Skyfall for the second time. Caramel macchiatos were purchased, and I was sneaky enough to carry dark sea salted chocolate in my purse. Timing it right, I'd choose to break off a piece of chocolate from the noisy tinfoil wrapper at a scene where a lot of chaos and commotion was taking place.

You'd think we'd be done eating for the day after all of this, right? Wrong. We make it home and decide to spend some time working on our creativity skills; Cassie draws and I continue to type and navigate my way through eBay--learning tricks of the trade and how to sell properly and maintain a good seller's reputation. It approaches midnight, and all of a sudden our stomaches are rumbling. After contemplating on what to fetch to snack on, we decide to go with leftover pizza from last night. I go in the kitchen and prepare two slices (the last two slices in the box, actually) and serve on two paper plates with napkins. Joy filled our faces. We ate in silence...eager to absorb as much enjoyment out of eating the pizza as possible.
You see, if food wasn't as big of a deal as it is to us, these little moments wouldn't be so fun. They wouldn't be so memorable. Food is inviting, creative, interesting, unique, satisfying, enjoyable, and an art in itself. The world would be meaningless without it. Life would be meaningless without it. That, my friends, is food for thought.
New York, New York
The goal is: Park Avenue. This fall we have ventured into the great city of New York (The Big Apple) twice. Both times have been somewhat spontaneous and unplanned. Our plan was pretty much no plan for our time in the city. We wanted to look at things. The weather was fresh and mild on both occasions, providing maximum comfort and allowing for superior fashion ensembles. As we drive into the city, the cool- factor of the air and the people starts stirring up our own inner confidence and dare I say "swagger." I started building my persona for the day, my big day in the city. I was still on the outside of it in wonder and amazement but throughout my experience I shifted in and out of the energy pulse like I belonged there. These trips were not my first into the city, I had some good exposure under my belt to aid in the feeling of belonging. This last trip, however, solidified the wish of actually living in New York City.
Walking, eating, and looking were the three repeated actions of both trips. Walking through Central Park, up and down Madison, on Lexington, and around museums and stores. Eating in charming french restaurants, and fine italian eateries. Sipping coffees at the Carlyle. Looking at people, nature, buildings, fashion, and art. Taking it all in, enjoying every feeling, and smiling all day with appreciation for what New York City is.
We collectively agree that living in New York City would be so ideal. The possibilities and the access to all kinds of fun, has us committed towards our Park Ave. goal. Leaving the city was another experience. It was sigh- worthy but such a funny combination of happiness and excitement over the day and longing and wishing to stay and/or belong to the city indefinitely. Naturally we requested our soundtrack songs to fit this feeling, and the windows down so we could get the last rush through the tunnel that would pour us out to view the last glimpse of the famous skyline lit up and sparkling. I don't think living in NYC would alter our appreciation and love for it. I think it's part of us, and possibly meant to happen.
Walking, eating, and looking were the three repeated actions of both trips. Walking through Central Park, up and down Madison, on Lexington, and around museums and stores. Eating in charming french restaurants, and fine italian eateries. Sipping coffees at the Carlyle. Looking at people, nature, buildings, fashion, and art. Taking it all in, enjoying every feeling, and smiling all day with appreciation for what New York City is.
We collectively agree that living in New York City would be so ideal. The possibilities and the access to all kinds of fun, has us committed towards our Park Ave. goal. Leaving the city was another experience. It was sigh- worthy but such a funny combination of happiness and excitement over the day and longing and wishing to stay and/or belong to the city indefinitely. Naturally we requested our soundtrack songs to fit this feeling, and the windows down so we could get the last rush through the tunnel that would pour us out to view the last glimpse of the famous skyline lit up and sparkling. I don't think living in NYC would alter our appreciation and love for it. I think it's part of us, and possibly meant to happen.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Music and Lyrics
As I mentioned in the brief update post- Chloe and I have been working on many projects. You could say we live somewhat of an artists life. Coffee, chocolate, inspiration, project. Our system. Creating music has been an outlet for us for months now. We have successfully compiled four original songs and are working on a few covers. We both love music and composing has been a very exciting adventure. Chloe usually handles the technology used in doing this. I can give her odd descriptions of sounds like "bright", "shakity-shake", "duuuunnnnn da da da dunnn" and she will find exactly what works with the concept we started with. We have created our own style, kind of a formula that we follow. Usually as we get to the completion of the song, the final verse, or the instrumental fade-out, we decide to really change things up. It is usually an unexpected ending, or an additional tribal instrument that you would think would confuse all ears listening, but somehow it is very much appropriate and one hundred percent original.
We usually start with the title of the song. We get the spark and we know we can run far with the concept. We visualize a scenario or create subject matter that we would like to put to music. Then, as we select some starting beats or piano samples, we start writing our lyrics. Our lyrics are mostly stories; A journey that the listener can follow and appreciate. Once we have most of the music set and established, it is time to record the vocals. This is always an exciting step. It is our real and raw personal sound that we provide for our tracks. When we are satisfied with the combination of music and lyrics, we tweak and edit here and there for perfection. We play it back in our headphones- bobbing our heads and smiling because... we are pleased. Then it is time to hear it on the speakers. We submit our waves to the atmosphere to flow and change the world around us.
As artists, we provide not only music but also video. This is the next step in our creative process. Not only are we gifted in melodies and rhymes, but also filmography and choreography. What would take producers, camera crews, actors, dancers, DJs, technicians, musicians, and editors, simply takes the two of us. We are quite indie. Once our video is filmed and edited, we have completed our work. The project reaches success. It makes us very proud to be involved in all the steps. To take full ownership of our art. We have so many ideas and concepts and it is exciting to know that we will be making music together forever.
We usually start with the title of the song. We get the spark and we know we can run far with the concept. We visualize a scenario or create subject matter that we would like to put to music. Then, as we select some starting beats or piano samples, we start writing our lyrics. Our lyrics are mostly stories; A journey that the listener can follow and appreciate. Once we have most of the music set and established, it is time to record the vocals. This is always an exciting step. It is our real and raw personal sound that we provide for our tracks. When we are satisfied with the combination of music and lyrics, we tweak and edit here and there for perfection. We play it back in our headphones- bobbing our heads and smiling because... we are pleased. Then it is time to hear it on the speakers. We submit our waves to the atmosphere to flow and change the world around us.
As artists, we provide not only music but also video. This is the next step in our creative process. Not only are we gifted in melodies and rhymes, but also filmography and choreography. What would take producers, camera crews, actors, dancers, DJs, technicians, musicians, and editors, simply takes the two of us. We are quite indie. Once our video is filmed and edited, we have completed our work. The project reaches success. It makes us very proud to be involved in all the steps. To take full ownership of our art. We have so many ideas and concepts and it is exciting to know that we will be making music together forever.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Secret Life of an Agent
So Chloe and I saw Skyfall last night (the new James Bond movie). It was a really good film, very entertaining and thrilling, amazing acting, and gripping fight scenes. I really appreciate movies, especially ones that leave you wanting to fight bad guys, solve mysteries or break dance in the streets of Miami, (movies that make you want the lives of the main characters). Although Bond has a tragic, dark side and he is put in horrible physical and mental challenges, the glamour and thrill of saving the day and kicking-butt is very attractive. It throws you back into childhood games of pretend. Being stuck in a helpless situation and acting out the drama in your room or backyard with props or friends and getting so completely lost in the intensity of your imagination. When you were interrupted or called for dinner, your accomplished smile stayed, knowing you were just so totally boss in your secret life. The life of an agent. Someone whose real drama, real action, takes place in a world that no one really sees. Other peoples lives go on around you and are unaffected. Or so they naively think.
Chloe and I still play pretend, thats one thing neither of us lost growing up. It is fun to get lost in your own imaginary world. I still smile knowingly as I exit the dreamworld and sink back into day to day situations. The next level of this, however, is the dreamworld that is shared; the imaginary adventures that you, and another close to you, have together. This is more advanced because it involves being so linked in with one another that you actually see the same images, and feel the same sensations. You start by speaking it out to one another, describing things and playing along and creating a world together. The more that is shared the easier this becomes, and then, what will start to happen is the world you have created no longer needs description or understanding- it is real, it is unspoken, and it is completely understood. This is when you now have someone to smile across the dinner table with after exiting the dreamworld. Sharing is better.
Chloe and I, honestly and truly, share everything. You would think this would cause friction, or competition, or provoke some kind of mental breakdown- not having everything to yourself, but it is actually seamless. Yes, the human side does respond at times with a need for space or singular enjoyment and accomplishment, but I actually believe that sharing everything with someone is a definition of true love. There is sacrifice and selflessness involved in this lifestyle. primarily, but it turns into magic. It turns into something that no one can tamper with. It turns into full-on dreamworld.
Our secret agent life has all the perks of adventure and fun, without the tragic, dark and lonely side effects. Unless we want them for the sake of drama. ;) I can't say that Chloe and I have reached the highest level, but in some moments it feels like we do.
Chloe and I still play pretend, thats one thing neither of us lost growing up. It is fun to get lost in your own imaginary world. I still smile knowingly as I exit the dreamworld and sink back into day to day situations. The next level of this, however, is the dreamworld that is shared; the imaginary adventures that you, and another close to you, have together. This is more advanced because it involves being so linked in with one another that you actually see the same images, and feel the same sensations. You start by speaking it out to one another, describing things and playing along and creating a world together. The more that is shared the easier this becomes, and then, what will start to happen is the world you have created no longer needs description or understanding- it is real, it is unspoken, and it is completely understood. This is when you now have someone to smile across the dinner table with after exiting the dreamworld. Sharing is better.
Chloe and I, honestly and truly, share everything. You would think this would cause friction, or competition, or provoke some kind of mental breakdown- not having everything to yourself, but it is actually seamless. Yes, the human side does respond at times with a need for space or singular enjoyment and accomplishment, but I actually believe that sharing everything with someone is a definition of true love. There is sacrifice and selflessness involved in this lifestyle. primarily, but it turns into magic. It turns into something that no one can tamper with. It turns into full-on dreamworld.
Our secret agent life has all the perks of adventure and fun, without the tragic, dark and lonely side effects. Unless we want them for the sake of drama. ;) I can't say that Chloe and I have reached the highest level, but in some moments it feels like we do.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Basorexic Heroes
Just as Cassie has written in the last post, it's been a long time. It's been so long since I've blogged on here as well. Some time last month or so I made an attempt to blog on a separate blog, but failed to muster up enough strength...or, actually, will to blog on this one. A personally ridiculous excuse, I know, but again--as Cassie has mentioned: we've been very busy. We've been spending our days living life to the fullest. It feels as though my beloved sister has been living with me for years; almost as if we've grown up together. It's hard to believe she's only been here since June. Personally, I go with the feeling we've grown up together---whether it was in another world or realm, it doesn't matter. It feels true, and that's what's most important.
I have learned so much from my dear, symbiotic twin. I have learned that as much as we laugh and get along blissfully, we also tend to get in little testy situations with one another. Nothing major or unmanageable, of course. Usually any disagreement is solved by laughter at the complexity of the situation, or by simply "putting an end" to the conversation that led us to disagree in the first place. The best part about having such a companion as Cassie? We can talk about anything. I can tell her anything, state my opinions, vent, burn off steam, or simply cry---and she understands me. Even if I don't make any sense, or if I can't explain myself the way I'd prefer, she gets it. It's like we share the same brain. I've had experiences before where I'd try to express how I'm feeling to others and they take it as Chloe's just in a weird mood. Next thing I know, I'm cut off short and left with an unresolved situation or unsettling feeling within my very self. With Cassie it's different. Nothing is ever awkward or uncomfortable to bring up. Arguments never last more than 5 minutes at max! There isn't a chance that we'd take to be gone from each other for an hour. 10 minutes alone is far too much when we could be together having a picnic somewhere enchanting.
Rarely do I ever sleep alone, and if I do, it's only when we go down to visit her family in Baltimore. That's when I sleep on the guest bed in her younger sister's room. That's when I gaze out the window in the middle of the night and think of how blessed I am to have such a family. Cassie and I stay together every night. It's usually the odd hours of the night that one could find us laughing hysterically on her bed, looking at ridiculous photos on pinterest. The two of us share very similar tastes in food, (even though I crave salt as often as she craves sugar) humor, and of course...men. Except Ryan Gosling. I don't understand how she likes him. I find him weird. I only think he's attractive in the movie the Notebook, even though I've never actually sat down and watched it. Anyway! The two of us suffer from basorexia. That is the craving of being kissed by a very attractive man. Of course, we haven't met the men we dream about. Chances are they don't exist on this earth. But, even if they don't, we still continue to miss them. Basorexia can be difficult; especially when you are looking up pictures of all your favorite dreamboat actors, and listening to romantic music. We do this to ourselves. We eventually get frustrated with ourselves and settle the situation by eating something or changing the subject.
Though we can easily go off on tangents about how we can't stand men, and list all of the things that they do that bother us, we are hopeless romantics; and we have high expectations of our ideal Prince Charming. But you know what? We wouldn't want it any other way. Our lives wouldn't be so hilarious and entertaining as they are now. We wouldn't have feelings and things to inspire us. We have grown so close in such a short amount of time that it's literally impossible to even think of what life was like before we became such great friends...in fact, we choose not to look back on the past. It's like trying to open up a wrapper you just stuck chewed gum in. You just don't do that. It's weird.
Being the close-knit sisters that we are, we've established a few little traditions. Whenever we enter our neighborhood development, we always have to have a good song playing. Whenever something epic happens to us, we have to listen to an epic song full blast with the windows down...even if it's super cold out. When I got my license, we blasted David Bowie's Heroes and screamed at the top of our lungs. Recently, we listened to that same song driving through the Lincoln Tunnel leaving New York City. We turned up the volume, rolled down the windows, unbuckled our seatbelts, and stuck our upper bodies out the window and absorbed the dreamy, golden glow of the tunnel lights. We gazed at the skyline of the city and pretended we were in a music video. It was beautiful. It was romantic. It was breathtaking...just like our lives.
Our friendship is indescribable. It is totally amazing, and people just couldn't understand unless they knew us well enough. I never thought a friendship could be so wonderful, and mean so much. I never thought I'd be so lucky to have a sister I could completely relate to, and to totally be so close to. Cassie is my other half. She is my sister, and I love her dearly.
peace out,
peace out,
It's Been A Long Time
This blog has been neglected. It has come to my mind and left quickly, over the past few months, due to my invalid excuse of not being able to write. Truth is, I can and should write. There have been a lot of unrecorded adventures and earth- changing experiences in the time that I have not been writing. My sister and I have been experiencing so much with each other. Many humorous circumstances, moving moments, and note-worthy occasions. To go through all of them and re-tell would be a lot to take in, so I am going to give an update the best I can. It is time to get reacquainted. Chloe and I, first of all, still adore coffee. We begin our days with it, we rely so heavily on it, and we light up like Christmas trees thinking about it. We have been collaborating on many art projects, ranging from drawings, posters, buildings, and music. Working together has brought us many moments of comedic relief. We have very similar points of view on things, very similar taste and style when it comes to what we find aesthetically pleasing; and when we are creating, when we are coming up with original and truly artistic work, our ideas blend very well together. It's a form of magic. This is not to say that we do not get hungry, tired, and stubborn. That threatening combination has led to some points of disagreement, but those same moments are the comedic moments I was referring to.
So you could say we have been in production over the long period of non-blogging. We have been working, which feels like playing, which leads me to more of what we have been up to. There has been a lot of fun in parks, cities, beaches, zoos, grass, theaters, pools, automobiles, bedroom floors, coffee shops, dinner tables, restaurants, craft stores and bookstores. We have soaked up precious sun, and gazed at powerful storms. We have been acting our age- which is- young. The world is struggling- that is a fact. There is a lot to scare you, upset you, or discourage you, but what amazes me are the extreme blessings on my sister and I's lives. The everyday fun is always in full-swing, guarded and unspoiled. That is what we treasure and that is priority. Making ever day special. That has been the theme of this blog since we started it. That has been the theme of our friendship as well. I am pleased to report that that has remained, even though much has been unrecorded here, it is set and placed firmly in both of our hearts.
I hope to be blogging more these days- that is really up to me. Although this update is brief, it is a start and gateway to more writings.
Love always,
So you could say we have been in production over the long period of non-blogging. We have been working, which feels like playing, which leads me to more of what we have been up to. There has been a lot of fun in parks, cities, beaches, zoos, grass, theaters, pools, automobiles, bedroom floors, coffee shops, dinner tables, restaurants, craft stores and bookstores. We have soaked up precious sun, and gazed at powerful storms. We have been acting our age- which is- young. The world is struggling- that is a fact. There is a lot to scare you, upset you, or discourage you, but what amazes me are the extreme blessings on my sister and I's lives. The everyday fun is always in full-swing, guarded and unspoiled. That is what we treasure and that is priority. Making ever day special. That has been the theme of this blog since we started it. That has been the theme of our friendship as well. I am pleased to report that that has remained, even though much has been unrecorded here, it is set and placed firmly in both of our hearts.
I hope to be blogging more these days- that is really up to me. Although this update is brief, it is a start and gateway to more writings.
Love always,
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Livin on the Wild Side
Summer vacation came and went but according to my companion and I, it still continues. We have had so many incredible adventures this summer. Everyday has shown us something new, something exciting, something totally unexpected.
We went on two vacations: sea isle city in new jersey, and Bethany in Delaware. We have had numerous trips down to and fro Baltimore, and have spent a lot of time with family and friends. We have done wild things. Spur-of-the-moment decisions of going canoeing, picnicking, or taking up archery classes.
We have established quite a bond between us. We have developed an undefeatable relationship. Our friendship goes beyond two pals who live together and have a lot in common. We have graduated to a sisterhood level so extreme that any time spent apart seems wrong and completely unbearable.
One time Cassie had to go do massages for a few clients at a place about an hour from where we live. We both experienced severe separation anxiety and had to be reunited within a time frame of 8 hours. When we finally reunited, we felt different. We felt like we hadn't seen each other in years. The situation was awkward for a bit; eventually we were able to cry and hug it out : unnoticed by others sitting at the dinner table. In a public restaurant. Surrounded by people.
Until the time I go for my official drivers license, I have been driving Cassie around everywhere. I've gotten very relaxed in the car, and have handled pretty severe situations pretty well: bees flying around in the car, a truck hitting another truck behind us, etc. We are very fortunate. God has been so good and had kept us safe from any accidents, unfortunate events, and so forth. We take Him with us everywhere we go. He is a part of our journeys 24/7. Without Him, we wouldn't have had the most incredible summer.
We went on two vacations: sea isle city in new jersey, and Bethany in Delaware. We have had numerous trips down to and fro Baltimore, and have spent a lot of time with family and friends. We have done wild things. Spur-of-the-moment decisions of going canoeing, picnicking, or taking up archery classes.
We have established quite a bond between us. We have developed an undefeatable relationship. Our friendship goes beyond two pals who live together and have a lot in common. We have graduated to a sisterhood level so extreme that any time spent apart seems wrong and completely unbearable.
One time Cassie had to go do massages for a few clients at a place about an hour from where we live. We both experienced severe separation anxiety and had to be reunited within a time frame of 8 hours. When we finally reunited, we felt different. We felt like we hadn't seen each other in years. The situation was awkward for a bit; eventually we were able to cry and hug it out : unnoticed by others sitting at the dinner table. In a public restaurant. Surrounded by people.
Until the time I go for my official drivers license, I have been driving Cassie around everywhere. I've gotten very relaxed in the car, and have handled pretty severe situations pretty well: bees flying around in the car, a truck hitting another truck behind us, etc. We are very fortunate. God has been so good and had kept us safe from any accidents, unfortunate events, and so forth. We take Him with us everywhere we go. He is a part of our journeys 24/7. Without Him, we wouldn't have had the most incredible summer.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Another Beautiful Celebration
Midnight strikes and I'm struggling to finish my poem. I get texts from my mom, telling me she's ready when I am. Racing against the clock, I finally finish and roll up the poem and place it inside a bottle decorated with a picture of the birthday girl and myself.
Into the kitchen I run, and begin icing three banana rum cupcakes with a honey cinnamon concoction. My mom comes in with bags of gifts, laughing at her struggle to be quiet hence the rustle and bustle of the paper bags. I top the selected cupcake with a little truck candle.
As I light it, both of us jump as we hear footsteps approaching down the hall. My mom laughs and rushes down, pushing the girl following the shadow back into her room, and with a chuckle I hear her say: "oh you look adorable--stay here for a while!"
Mom comes rushing back in, telling me to hurry up. Finally everything Is ready. My mom and I slowly make our way towards the birthday girl's room, and when we reach her bedroom door, my mom slips a hand in and turns off the lights. We open the door and process in with the candle-lit cupcakes, bags and gifts, singing in a whisper a jolly "happy birthday, Alpacino!" and there she stands, totally surprised and head full of rollers, in little cream colored lacy pajamas.
What an adorable sight it was! To see my beloved sister sitting there, eyes wide, mouth open with excitement, opening all her gifts and admiring her birthday loot. We sat on the floor and ate cupcakes and drank tea. We laughed and got emotional thinkin of how wonderful this life is. It was a wonderful way to start off Cassie's birthday, and there's still so much more celebration to take place!! We have only just begun!!
Into the kitchen I run, and begin icing three banana rum cupcakes with a honey cinnamon concoction. My mom comes in with bags of gifts, laughing at her struggle to be quiet hence the rustle and bustle of the paper bags. I top the selected cupcake with a little truck candle.
As I light it, both of us jump as we hear footsteps approaching down the hall. My mom laughs and rushes down, pushing the girl following the shadow back into her room, and with a chuckle I hear her say: "oh you look adorable--stay here for a while!"
Mom comes rushing back in, telling me to hurry up. Finally everything Is ready. My mom and I slowly make our way towards the birthday girl's room, and when we reach her bedroom door, my mom slips a hand in and turns off the lights. We open the door and process in with the candle-lit cupcakes, bags and gifts, singing in a whisper a jolly "happy birthday, Alpacino!" and there she stands, totally surprised and head full of rollers, in little cream colored lacy pajamas.
What an adorable sight it was! To see my beloved sister sitting there, eyes wide, mouth open with excitement, opening all her gifts and admiring her birthday loot. We sat on the floor and ate cupcakes and drank tea. We laughed and got emotional thinkin of how wonderful this life is. It was a wonderful way to start off Cassie's birthday, and there's still so much more celebration to take place!! We have only just begun!!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Celebrations of Life
Two weeks into July, and already the pace is picked up and the celebrations have kick- started. Having the biggest national holiday commence my favorite month helps set the tone. July 4th -America's Birthday. July 10th- my Dad's birthday. July 15th- my Mom's birthday. July 18th- my birthday. In between birthday celebrations there are day trips, beach vacations, and graduation celebrations. It's a month of cake and candles, pool time and family time.
July 4th was a very special memory for me and my sister, Chloe. We spent the day baking pies, and having underwater contests in the pool. We had a wonderful soundtrack of Midnight in Paris playing the whole day. This particular soundtrack is one that has the ability to transport the listener back in time and bring forth silly, simple, and lovely feelings. It also can be played over and over and not become tiresome or repetitive. It was a truly joyful day. As the sun was setting, the clouds were forming all kinds of shapes, lit from within with shades of pink and orange. The country had been in a dry-spell and many fires had caused damage over the previous days, but a storm was brewing past our orange clouds. We had noticed far-off lightening, but the preparation and set-up for the fireworks show was already underway. Just as Chloe and I had picked our viewing spots, and the guys gave us the word that they were ready, the storm clouds began rolling in faster. We heard the rain first and then felt it, like water balloons bursting on us. As we yelled to hurry and set the fire works off- our soundtrack began with the up-beat and bouncy anthem of "The Can-Can" followed by "The 18th Overture". As we were scurrying and dodging water balloons the first few booms went off. Our fireworks were bursting bright through the heavy rains as we danced and laughed and cheered. No risk of forest fires here. We were protected and our show was more lively and the joyfulness continued.
This bang was the perfect way to start our celebratory month. My Dad's birthday was next. Complete with a home-cooked meal, dancing and singing, and story telling. We took a family portrait with my sister's professional camera and laughed as another soundtrack of Sherlock Holmes, Game of Shadows, was playing. Trying not to burst when my Mom is shouting out strange alternatives for "cheese" at the camera like, Ciao Bellaaaa! My Dad, seated in the middle, with a charming top-hat and authentic smile- surrounded by his girls and his gentlemanly son. It was a special moment to capture. More life. We wanted our Dad to feel how much we loved him and how much he means to his children, and I believe the point got across.
This past weekend, we celebrated my Mom's birthday. She is always giving and always making celebrations so special. Her love and guidance is irreplaceable and as her daughter, I feel she should be celebrated daily. She has given so much life to our family, not just by birthing eight healthy children but by showing us girls a strong and vibrant example of a happy woman.
And now... I anticipate my birthday. It will be a truly happy celebration for me this year because I have been given so many presents already- throughout the entire year. I am so thankful, and so ready to celebrate. The Big Guy is bringing out all the goodness and filling all these moments with Himself. That is what makes these parties celebrations of life.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Cheers to my Beautiful Friend
There's so much I could say about Cassie. Limiting it down to just a few adjectives is difficult because it's impossible to just name a few. There aren't enough characters in the entire alphabet to spell words to describe her. There aren't even any proper words to use as descriptions. There is only love. Pure, simple, old fashioned love. I can only describe her as the most loving young woman you could ever meet.
I could only describe her as the most lovable, lovely, love-loving young woman I have ever met. Everything about her is beautiful. Everything she does is wonderful. And she's funny! Oh so funny!! She can make me laugh so hard tears stream down my cheeks and I immediately develop a solid six pack.
She just makes me so happy. I really had no other motive writing this than to just share my absolute feelings. I guess I just wanted the world to know how much I love my sister. (:
So cheers.
Cheers to my beautiful friend.
I could only describe her as the most lovable, lovely, love-loving young woman I have ever met. Everything about her is beautiful. Everything she does is wonderful. And she's funny! Oh so funny!! She can make me laugh so hard tears stream down my cheeks and I immediately develop a solid six pack.
She just makes me so happy. I really had no other motive writing this than to just share my absolute feelings. I guess I just wanted the world to know how much I love my sister. (:
So cheers.
Cheers to my beautiful friend.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Essentials For a Perfect Vacation
A Place to Stay...
A pretty view...
A Best Friend...
Great SeaFood...
A New Dress...
Something cold and refreshing...
Good Coffee...
Some Old Bay Fries...
A Smooch...
A Reason to Dress Up...
A Trip to Atlantic City...
A Good Tan...
Some Afternoon Tea...
A good laugh...
A Good Hike...
Some Fun Activity...
Some fresh, sweet fruit...
A Splendid Evening Show...
A Reason to Celebrate EVERYTHING
A Memory to Carry On Forever...
Thinking about Thoughts
Chloe and I like to start our day with coffee. At this point, to be honest, we need to start our day with coffee. Chloe will go to the kitchen and put the pot on or grind some fresh grounds for french press, and I will situate myself (and the cushions for the chairs) on the veranda. Family members will stop by and sit for a cup-a- joe and a chat and then go on to their activities for the day, or linger with us for stimulating discussions. Our discussions are of funny news stories, and tales of the day before or further past. What really keeps us rocking in our chairs on the veranda are the spiritual discussions. Very blog worthy topics- I assure you. I have come to view this time in the morning as very important. Starting the day with the family and smiling over coffee gives everyone the chance to reunite and reacquaint themselves with what's going on around us.
Today we got started with a conversation about thoughts. Where do they originate? It is important to know where a thought is coming from and why. Detecting good and bad thoughts is a skill that should be practiced. Our thoughts come from all over- what we see, what we hear, and who we associate with. All of those factors add up and are stored in our thoughts. Some are frequent, some are loud, some are subtle and quiet. We spoke this morning about how careful we need to be, not just because of the effects on ourselves, but on others and the world. There is so much power in a thought. There is a popular quote that sums up the chain reaction of thoughts on a personal level well-
I think society today has little accountability for words and actions. One example is the language of today among teenagers and young adults. I am limiting the subject matter to my peers and those close in age to me, but I do believe the problem is on a much larger scale. Foul language has become so common and so casually used. In some cases, it is used to punctuate every sentence. We hear it on T.V. and in movies, and read it in magazines and books. Our celebrities use it in interviews and social media. Popular comedians use it for shock value and laughs. You can't go anywhere, socially; in the physical world, or in cyberspace, without coming across perverse language. I remember watching Inside The Actor's Studio on Bravo and at a certain point, towards the end of each interview, James Lipton asks each actor, "What is your favorite curse word?" The actor will laugh and reveal their pick, or state (matter-of-fact- like) their word of choice, as the audience claps and giggles. It has gotten to a point where foul language is no longer shocking, but that certainly does not eliminate the effects that it has on a personal and global level.
There is energy surrounding, and making up each thought in your mind, and every word coming from your mouth. The energy can be positive or negative. It can stimulate life or depress it. Sounds extreme, but every word has an effect on the earth and everything in it. It's vibration exits your body and travels into the atmosphere, and you can't get that back. I think it is sad that people have become so careless. Even if they know the effects of what they put out, they simply don't hold themselves responsible. It's like the Disney Channel stars, "growing up" and wanting to "challenge themselves" with adult subject matter, or risque roles and saying that they aren't responsible for their young, impressionable fan base being influenced. We all make excuses for what we want and try our hardest to come out clean, taking no responsibility for our actions, but the effects are always there.
There is a need to find more meaning. Everyone wants a purpose and craves self- worth, but they don't start in the right place. Yes, my point has been to watch your thoughts and speak with purpose, knowing that there is significant meaning behind everything you put out, but really the place you have to start forming and originating all energy from is your heart. Where the Big Guy lives. That is the most important task.
Chloe and I are still on the veranda, with our re-heated coffee, working on our posts and cartoons. These posts and her artwork are what we choose to put out there. What we are creating. Our thoughts and experiences expressed and shared, and I do believe both our hearts are fully engaged in the process. I have been working on this post with a drive to take this concept to heart. The concept of having deep meaning behind my words, and keeping my thoughts in check. This is starting to make me laugh- imagining myself with a stoic look, trying to find deep meaning behind all my thoughts. This is not the approach I can honestly see myself taking. One thing about this process is it has to be authentic- but when you are starting at the heart, there is no other option.
Today we got started with a conversation about thoughts. Where do they originate? It is important to know where a thought is coming from and why. Detecting good and bad thoughts is a skill that should be practiced. Our thoughts come from all over- what we see, what we hear, and who we associate with. All of those factors add up and are stored in our thoughts. Some are frequent, some are loud, some are subtle and quiet. We spoke this morning about how careful we need to be, not just because of the effects on ourselves, but on others and the world. There is so much power in a thought. There is a popular quote that sums up the chain reaction of thoughts on a personal level well-
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
| |
There is energy surrounding, and making up each thought in your mind, and every word coming from your mouth. The energy can be positive or negative. It can stimulate life or depress it. Sounds extreme, but every word has an effect on the earth and everything in it. It's vibration exits your body and travels into the atmosphere, and you can't get that back. I think it is sad that people have become so careless. Even if they know the effects of what they put out, they simply don't hold themselves responsible. It's like the Disney Channel stars, "growing up" and wanting to "challenge themselves" with adult subject matter, or risque roles and saying that they aren't responsible for their young, impressionable fan base being influenced. We all make excuses for what we want and try our hardest to come out clean, taking no responsibility for our actions, but the effects are always there.
There is a need to find more meaning. Everyone wants a purpose and craves self- worth, but they don't start in the right place. Yes, my point has been to watch your thoughts and speak with purpose, knowing that there is significant meaning behind everything you put out, but really the place you have to start forming and originating all energy from is your heart. Where the Big Guy lives. That is the most important task.
Chloe and I are still on the veranda, with our re-heated coffee, working on our posts and cartoons. These posts and her artwork are what we choose to put out there. What we are creating. Our thoughts and experiences expressed and shared, and I do believe both our hearts are fully engaged in the process. I have been working on this post with a drive to take this concept to heart. The concept of having deep meaning behind my words, and keeping my thoughts in check. This is starting to make me laugh- imagining myself with a stoic look, trying to find deep meaning behind all my thoughts. This is not the approach I can honestly see myself taking. One thing about this process is it has to be authentic- but when you are starting at the heart, there is no other option.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Another Day, Another Adventure
I woke up Saturday morning, with a sad feeling, knowing I was leaving the beach in a couple hours. Everyone was taking part in cleaning up, eating left-overs, and packing up the car (good distractions), but in the still moments, I felt my eyes well up looking out to the ocean. It was such a good vacation- so many truly happy and relaxing moments with people I love, and lots of meaningful talks. That morning I could not help but ache a little, knowing it was coming to an end. Driving out of Sea Isle, I was trying to pull myself together, when I heard talk of an extension.... "Maybe we will check out Cape May for the day, get a little ice cream, shop around for a bit." I was taken at the mention of ice cream and my focus turned immediately to another great day of fun and exploration. I had never been to Cape May, but I had heard of its Victorian charm and patriotic flare. I admired the small city and it's historic, eye-catching houses. My sister and I took off to poke around in girly stores and embrace the old-fashioned feeling by sipping on cream sodas in the warm sun. We found a store with adorable, ruffly, summer dresses. Each one was unique, with interesting patterns and flattering cuts, and of course we had to pick out and purchase one to make our own. We pictured ourselves sipping lemonade by a lake on a breezy, warm, summer day in our new printed dresses. After a successful afternoon of an italian lunch, shopping, and creamy gelato, we rolled ourselves into the car and made a plan to stay in a hotel for the night.
We followed up the day by relaxing by the pool and going out to dinner, where we spied on interesting customers and bus boys. Chloe and I were ready to relax and curl up once we got back, with full stomachs, and heavy eyes. We had noticed that there were two beds in our room and jokingly remarked about how weird that will be- sleeping in separate beds, but we got under our own covers and turned the t.v. on to wind down. I left the channel on National Geographic because a U.F.O. show caught my attention, but we were both getting tired and drifting so I decided to turn it off. My nerves were already a little jumpy from the show, when immediately after switching the bedroom t.v. off, the living room t.v. flips on. This successfully freaked us out, considering there were separate remotes for the two t.v.s, so sleeping in separate beds was no longer an option. I hopped into Chloe's bed and snuggled up tight, laughing about the situation and feeling better and at home with my sister within arms reach. We fell asleep making shadow puppets and laughing. Another day, another adventure.
Today is day one, back at home, and getting back in the swing of things. Making to-do lists and looking ahead to what's coming next. I am still in a little bit of an ocean haze, maybe somewhere in between two somethings. I can't say in between vacation and every-day life because I could never categorize my days with Chloe as every-day life. It's always new and exciting. I was taught that The Big Guy wants life this way, every day being a new day, and an opportunity. It's a challenge to make things new everyday, to make life an adventure. Sometimes you can feel "just along for the ride" and that's not a bad thing, but there should always be effort from yourself to make the best of the day, and to find excitement out of life. The reason for starting this blog was to record our everyday adventures. I think it is a good practice for pulling the meaning out of life experiences and appreciating the moments and memories that fill each day. Sharing these moments and memories, makes life really special. I would not trade what I have found with Chloe for anything or anyone. The extended vacation day was a gift, and an opportunity to prolong a happy get-away. I am so grateful to be given gifts like this regularly and experiences that I really cherish.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Beauty on the Beach
Second day on this beautiful beach. Last night Cass and I went on a lovely walk with my mom. We sat in on a local country concert that took place just down the boardwalk. We sipped coffee on the balcony and played hilarious games thought up by my brother in law Jeff and my mom. Cass and I shared nutter butters and observed the magical, enchanting midnight sky. That brought us back to a beautiful evening from a few nights prior. How magical nighttime could e when one shares it with a best friend...
Especially when that particular best friend just so happens to bring love and laughter into everyday life. Or happiness. Or just plain cuteness. That's what Cassie does. My sister brings all of those wonderful things into my life. What a wonderful friend.
Especially when that particular best friend just so happens to bring love and laughter into everyday life. Or happiness. Or just plain cuteness. That's what Cassie does. My sister brings all of those wonderful things into my life. What a wonderful friend.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Sea Isle Bound
Today is our first day on the beach. We spent the last two days traveling, eating, laughing, and dancing. We saw Madagascar 3 and fell in love with the Afro circus song. Cassie tried Turkish coffee for the first time at a Lebanese restaurant in celebration of her brother's birthday. We ate shawarma. We visited a blueberry factory and bought two cases of blueberries. We stayed at a hotel and had a lovely suite all to ourselves. We enjoyed tea and cookies in a humid poolroom, all dressed up, a few hours before going out for Japanese. We stayed up late and watched Say Yes to the Dress and Toddlers and Tiaras. Both crazy shows, but highly entertaining.
It felt so good to be back here, especially with Cassie. We are still in celebration of her moving in with our family, so it's been non-stop fun.
Sand between our toes, sea mist playing with our hair, and sunshine tanning our bodies: it's been beautiful and today is only the first day.
Our room is on the bottom floor. I shared a similar room with friends last year but this year's establishment is very charming. We are completely organized and our futon is made. We are ready for a week full of magnificence. What more greatness does the Lord have in store for us?
It felt so good to be back here, especially with Cassie. We are still in celebration of her moving in with our family, so it's been non-stop fun.
Sand between our toes, sea mist playing with our hair, and sunshine tanning our bodies: it's been beautiful and today is only the first day.
Our room is on the bottom floor. I shared a similar room with friends last year but this year's establishment is very charming. We are completely organized and our futon is made. We are ready for a week full of magnificence. What more greatness does the Lord have in store for us?
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Little Ladies
Chloe and I are in the process of reading and writing for pleasure and school. We want to be able to get everything finished before our beach vacation that is quickly approaching. Chloe has just finished the literary classic, "Pride and Prejudice" and I am working through the last few chapters of "Little Women" (I have been working on the second half of this book since January...). I love the story of "Little Women". There is so much in this novel. So much real, honest human experience. What sets this novel apart is it's innocence. You can't find books anymore like this. The content in this book spans childhood games, teenage angst, and marriage and babies. All the novels I have come across today about a girls journey into womanhood are laced with promiscuity, and dark subject matter. It's disappointing to have that be the honest, human experience of today.
Chloe and I try to live up to the standards of being a true lady. It really is rare to find young girls today who are striving to be ladies. It is almost laughed at and looked down upon as some unattainable and pretentious goal. Quite the opposite my friends. By striving to be a lady you are working towards knowing your true self. Who you are meant to be. You are moving away from the forced, phony, personalities that everyone puts on to fit in and be accepted. When you pretend to be someone you're not you step into shady territory. It becomes an unhappy, and unsatisfied environment no matter how hard you try to force the opposite.
Being a lady is not just about manners and frills. It is really about being brave enough to be different and to be true. Not by rebellion, by discipline. "Little Women" emphasizes this fact. The importance of morality and staying true to what matters. It was Marmee's teachings that influenced and grounded the girls. It really is so important to have a good Mom. To be influenced by a positive lady. To have the right teachings. Marmee's love and guidance sets the March girls apart from many other characters that they meet on their journey to womanhood.
Reading the classic novels of the past can enrich and add so much to your perspective. It has been a pleasure to read about the March sisters, although hard to get through at times, it has made me feel connected to them, and to my goal of being a good young lady. It is funny how fitting and timely this subject matter is, as Chloe and I are both putting great effort into refining our habits and minding our manners. I see it as reinforcement as well as encouragement, and looking forward I know our journey will be a happy one.
Chloe and I try to live up to the standards of being a true lady. It really is rare to find young girls today who are striving to be ladies. It is almost laughed at and looked down upon as some unattainable and pretentious goal. Quite the opposite my friends. By striving to be a lady you are working towards knowing your true self. Who you are meant to be. You are moving away from the forced, phony, personalities that everyone puts on to fit in and be accepted. When you pretend to be someone you're not you step into shady territory. It becomes an unhappy, and unsatisfied environment no matter how hard you try to force the opposite.
Being a lady is not just about manners and frills. It is really about being brave enough to be different and to be true. Not by rebellion, by discipline. "Little Women" emphasizes this fact. The importance of morality and staying true to what matters. It was Marmee's teachings that influenced and grounded the girls. It really is so important to have a good Mom. To be influenced by a positive lady. To have the right teachings. Marmee's love and guidance sets the March girls apart from many other characters that they meet on their journey to womanhood.
Reading the classic novels of the past can enrich and add so much to your perspective. It has been a pleasure to read about the March sisters, although hard to get through at times, it has made me feel connected to them, and to my goal of being a good young lady. It is funny how fitting and timely this subject matter is, as Chloe and I are both putting great effort into refining our habits and minding our manners. I see it as reinforcement as well as encouragement, and looking forward I know our journey will be a happy one.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Matter of Memory
Lately, I have been noticing that my memory is not up to speed. I have been having trouble remembering the sequence of events and recent conversations. It has been a little frustrating and concerning especially since I am only 22 years old. I should be sharp as a tack! I know a few people who have excellent memory. They can recall situations with such detail and exactness. Chloe is one of those people. She remembers the smells, the sounds, the feeling, the words, and the expressions perfectly. My brother Peter is another. He never forgets a face and is known for memorizing every movie release date, all the actors, directors and producers involved, and all oscar winners and nominations of the past and present. I really admire those who remember fully. Who recall things with such precise and exact descriptions. I think it is very important.
The capabilities of the brain is a subject I have recently found interesting. Hearing facts such as, "You only use 6% of you brain." makes one wonder. My mom was recently reading about where memory is stored. You would think, where in the brain, but really its where in the body? Her resource said that memory is stored throughout the body. Our memories are experiences. We feel them, and we use all our senses to absorb them. Our nervous system is highly involved in this. Nerves run throughout the whole body sending messages, calculating experiences and relating them to the brain. This makes sense to me. Memories aren't just snap shots filed away and categorized in the brain.
In massage school, we learned about the sympathetic nervous system, and the parasympathetic nervous system. The internal responses and reactions to one's environment. There is so much going on inside our bodies at all times. Being a massage therapist, I have experienced and witnessed what happens when a human body enters a relaxed state. When I start manipulating tissue and working through muscle and releasing tension, I am effecting the area where memories are stored. This is why some may experience emotional responses on the massage table. It is called "muscle memory".
Memories evoke emotions. They are very powerful. And we hold them all inside of us. It's overwhelming to think about how much we absorb throughout our lives. It is interesting to think about the human body, scientifically, and to connect all that information to God. He created us. It's His design. I know that my issues with remembering things can be easily fixed. It is a matter of tapping into the right tools. Accessing more. Maybe it is also a matter of clearing out, and getting rid of some things. It starts with prayer... I know that much.
I find it funny sometimes, that I am so interested in the human body. Looking back, recalling my younger self, I never thought I would be a massage therapist. I never had much interest in biology or anatomy. I guess I never tapped into it. Never connected it to the big picture until I got that feeling. The feeling that I am meant to do this kind of work.
I was just struck with a memory of my first grade report card. It was overall exceptional, but in the teachers comment box, there was a concern. My teacher had expressed that I lacked pride in my work. I do remember rushing through assignments, not coloring the best I could, and being a little sloppy with handwriting. I can honestly say now that I do have pride in my work. I enjoy what I do, and I put all my efforts into it. I think the fact that massage is a service for someone else is very helpful in the sense that it forces me to give my best. I know now that I should always give my best, in everything I do because I can do it all as a service for The Big Guy.
It is funny how memories and experiences come back to you to teach lessons. Or when you start to piece together past experiences and see the meaning behind it and how it's changed you for the better. It's part of a plan, and it only gets better. That is something I have learned from experience.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Rain Walks & Romance
Yesterday Cassie and I decided to go "against the grain" and take a stroll through the gray, misty drizzles the sky provided. As we climbed over murky hills, skipped through muddy puddles, and slid down a few gravel slopes, we were laughing at our crazy life together. Never have we ever had the aspiration to do things like walking through the rain or constructing a pinecone circle in the center of an "enchanting forrest." These would all be considered silly or "childish" to the typical "adults" of modern society, but Cassie and I aren't like the those adults. We are special. We have a special relationship that only God truly understands. We are two young women who happen to love spending time together doing everything. We spent the morning drinking coffee, eating carrots, reading books by Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott, and discussing romance.
We laughed at how both authoresses seemed to drag a bit in their story telling, but all in all, are splendid writers of romance and love. We loved how they each captured the whimsy side and the repulsive side. We read about the scandals that were involved and the adventures that took place, and thought of how the stories from back then are compatible with today's standards of living and loving.
It's a fascinating thing, love. To us, to love is to live. To live is to treasure every moment; to love every moment. This rain walk revealed a great thing about us. Nothing, not even a rainy day could ruin our fun. Nothing could prevent us from smiling or laughing. Nothing could stop us from loving life. Love is a powerful thing. Friendship is a powerful thing. Both make one incredible relationship.
To have this type of relationship with my sister is such a privilege. We love each other and we will always be there for one another. It's like a sisterly romance; it would be a bromance if we were men. Reading classic novels make us dream about love, and how perfect God's love is. How His love overpowers everything.
We felt His love yesterday. In the raindrops. In the dirt. In the warm, humid breeze. We felt His love through scent of pine, and rich flowers growing around us. We feel His love everywhere we go, within everything we do. It's important to feel that.
It's important to love.
Chloe xxx
We laughed at how both authoresses seemed to drag a bit in their story telling, but all in all, are splendid writers of romance and love. We loved how they each captured the whimsy side and the repulsive side. We read about the scandals that were involved and the adventures that took place, and thought of how the stories from back then are compatible with today's standards of living and loving.
It's a fascinating thing, love. To us, to love is to live. To live is to treasure every moment; to love every moment. This rain walk revealed a great thing about us. Nothing, not even a rainy day could ruin our fun. Nothing could prevent us from smiling or laughing. Nothing could stop us from loving life. Love is a powerful thing. Friendship is a powerful thing. Both make one incredible relationship.
To have this type of relationship with my sister is such a privilege. We love each other and we will always be there for one another. It's like a sisterly romance; it would be a bromance if we were men. Reading classic novels make us dream about love, and how perfect God's love is. How His love overpowers everything.
We felt His love yesterday. In the raindrops. In the dirt. In the warm, humid breeze. We felt His love through scent of pine, and rich flowers growing around us. We feel His love everywhere we go, within everything we do. It's important to feel that.
It's important to love.
Chloe xxx
The Chair is Rocking
So Chloe and I are thinking this morning, first cup of coffee in, about deep meanings and spiritual matters, symbolism and life lessons. I feel it is important to wonder and to ponder. It is good to be reminded that there is always more meaning to something and behind something that God created. There has to be. Everything has purpose and it is good to recognize that. As I am thinking this morning, I can't really say it is hard now-a-days to see the beauty in everything. Yes the state of things today is a little scary. There is a lot out there that can take down beauty and twist it into something else, and it's a challenge to protect innocence, but The Big Guy makes it so simple and so easy to find and enjoy beauty.
The example of a rose was given today by Chloe and I's friend and teacher. There is a lot of symbolism in a rose. We were discussing it's design. Why the thorns? We came up with a few theories, comparing the flower to life, to beauty, to love, to a heart; and the thorns to trials, danger, suffering, and sacrifice. I like that something simple can be used to tell stories, or teach lessons. I would think that that is the way God intended things. He gave us everything we need to learn about Him and to bring us close to Him. I think St. Francis would agree with this. No books needed.
Faith and childlike innocence- thats what is important for us to develop. That is what needs to be strengthened to see things and to learn things.
So as Chloe and I were pondering separately, sipping and contemplating... We noticed a chair. Chloe and I are seated on separate rocking love seats- spread out, with books, papers, and laptops, and there are four empty chairs surrounding us. All are turned in towards the center, as we left them last night, except one. One has shifted and is facing more towards the pool. There is no significant breeze and nature is quite still this morning, except this chair. The chair is subtle, but it is rocking- most definitely. Back and forth, stopping every now and then. We looked at each other and back at the chair. No questions. Somebody is sitting with us, enjoying the morning.
It would be easy to dismiss it, to rattle off probable causes, but neither of us did. No questions. We know The Big Guy is always around, always with us, but to see and feel physical signs- that will always excite me.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Comfy Cozy
The jig is up, it is no secret. I like to be comfy, and I like to get cozy. Those close to me would agree on this as well. Throughout my life I have heard people's observations of me- my attire, my personality- I am frequently described as cozy. I enjoy this not only because I like feeling this way, but also because I like to make those around me comfortable. I like to be a piece in the picture that provides warmth and stability. I like when those around me feel secure enough to be themselves.
As with any personality trait, there is a need for balance. This part of my personality can swing into both negative and positive directions. I have learned, and I continue to practice, keeping myself in check. I can become overly comfortable and content in my surroundings. This is something that I try to avoid. I have learned a few lessons in pushing myself, getting out of the box, letting go of fear, and setting big goals for myself. And I am still learning the importance of really challenging myself. Thankfully, I have the right people in my life to keep me on my toes, and to push me forward.
Spiritually, I believe, it is natural to seek comfort. Jesus does give great peace, security, and joy. He protects you, He doesn't want to see you hurt. But I believe He takes great pride in seeing His creation overcome challenges, and push for something greater, to lead to something new. But He doesn't want you to let go of Him. Through these challenges, you can stay secure in His arms, He won't drop you.
He said many times in The Bible : "Do not be afraid." I think you can take that as far as possible- the goal being to live without fear. Because the comfy and cozy is there. His love, the security He provides, will never be taken away from you.
He is like the coziest blanket, or the softest shirt. Or like that feeling you get after eating a large, melty, warm s'more. Or when you are looking up at the stars and your heart gets real steady and anchored down in your chest and you sway a little in the breeze. I think of these moments, these experiences, and I have to connect them to Jesus. He is the only explanation. He is why I love holding babies.
I will always be this way, it is a big part of me, but I do not feel limited or stuck. I do not lack motivation and I am building up a lot of strength with Jesus and learning more and more. I aim to make Him proud, and to take full advantage of His warm, cozy, comfy blanket-like side. Cheers ta cozy.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
A Perfect Dream
As I sit here munching greedily on toasted multigrain Wheat Thins, looking over blog posts I wrote about last night's italian dinner experience, I can't help but visualize a fantastic dream. A perfect dream. A lovely dream. Wouldn't it be wonderful to travel around Europe with my best friend? Wouldn't it be fun to go and have exciting adventures--even if it's just out of state? I often leave Pennsylvania, mostly to visit Cassie and her family down in Maryland; but now that she is moving up, wouldn't if be wild if she and I left the state in search of an adventure? We have often talked about this and have begun setting aside an empty Muscle Milk container of change that we'd save up for spending money. It's just about half full--maybe a little more, and recently while I was organizing Cassie's future room, I discovered a dusty vase full of change! "How wonderful!" I exclaimed.
"More trip money!"
We have a full list of things we want to do and places we want to go this summer. I know not of what will actually unfold this summer, but I definitely foresee fun adventures. All I know is that I am absolutely ready for anything, as long as I have my sister by my side.
Chloe xx
"More trip money!"
We have a full list of things we want to do and places we want to go this summer. I know not of what will actually unfold this summer, but I definitely foresee fun adventures. All I know is that I am absolutely ready for anything, as long as I have my sister by my side.
Chloe xx
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
"When all this craziness is through, I'll spend my happiness with you."
Music is really important to me. On workdays, I really don't feel fully alive until I am in my car and I choose what I want to hear to start my day. It sets my tone and my pace for the day. It's a routine and a comfort and a trigger for me. I enjoy most types of music. If you go through my music library, it is actually something to laugh at- jumping from musicals like Les Miserables to Pitbull, and recently, middle eastern belly dancing to french cafe. It takes me all over the world and puts me in all kinds of moods. Music is a necessity in my daily life.
Personally, I depend on a good summer soundtrack. Every year I wait for those few good pop songs with the undeniably catchy beats and simple chorus's ("Call Me Maybe", "You Don't Know You're Beautiful"), for my favorite artists to release their new albums filled with sunny melodies (Erin Hutchinson's -Moving Up Living Down), and maybe even some old classics that I want to hear again or haven't appreciated until now ("Rhythm of My Heart"- Rod Stewart). I am in the process of developing my summer playlist now, and it is very exciting. New music! I like to compile a list that will remind me of this time in my life and take me back to warm and happy memories. Something that always gets my heart beating: summer drives, windows down, with the music loud. It makes me feel young and free and even a little wild when my hair is whipping in my face and I don't care who sees me singing and dancing like a fool. That is such a big part of summer for me.
So I am getting more and more excited, listening to my new summer playlist on repeat to learn every word. One song that is quickly becoming a stand- out is Eric Hutchinson's "Best Days." I am including the second verse and the chorus below:
I fly around the world to spend
My nights with strangers and their lovers
I notice happiness depends
On if we share it with each other
So when this craziness is through
I'll spend my happiness with you
Give and take, we catch our breaks
We all learn to survive
Oh, but don't look now
I said don't look now
Cause here we are,
Living the best days of our lives
These are the best days of our lives
It is such a good sing- a- long summer hit. I hope to find more like it to set my summer pace; my care-free tone. I will be whistling and humming these melodies and taking long drives with windows down- feeling quite free this summer. And I will be spending and sharing this happiness with my fellow summer-loving, song- whistling, loved ones.
Personally, I depend on a good summer soundtrack. Every year I wait for those few good pop songs with the undeniably catchy beats and simple chorus's ("Call Me Maybe", "You Don't Know You're Beautiful"), for my favorite artists to release their new albums filled with sunny melodies (Erin Hutchinson's -Moving Up Living Down), and maybe even some old classics that I want to hear again or haven't appreciated until now ("Rhythm of My Heart"- Rod Stewart). I am in the process of developing my summer playlist now, and it is very exciting. New music! I like to compile a list that will remind me of this time in my life and take me back to warm and happy memories. Something that always gets my heart beating: summer drives, windows down, with the music loud. It makes me feel young and free and even a little wild when my hair is whipping in my face and I don't care who sees me singing and dancing like a fool. That is such a big part of summer for me.
So I am getting more and more excited, listening to my new summer playlist on repeat to learn every word. One song that is quickly becoming a stand- out is Eric Hutchinson's "Best Days." I am including the second verse and the chorus below:
I fly around the world to spend
My nights with strangers and their lovers
I notice happiness depends
On if we share it with each other
So when this craziness is through
I'll spend my happiness with you
Give and take, we catch our breaks
We all learn to survive
Oh, but don't look now
I said don't look now
Cause here we are,
Living the best days of our lives
These are the best days of our lives
It is such a good sing- a- long summer hit. I hope to find more like it to set my summer pace; my care-free tone. I will be whistling and humming these melodies and taking long drives with windows down- feeling quite free this summer. And I will be spending and sharing this happiness with my fellow summer-loving, song- whistling, loved ones.
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