Thursday, April 12, 2012

Finding Love in Unexpected Places

There’s more to being a hopeless romantic than just, as Cassie said, “admiring love”. Every girl goes through that period of worrying whether or not they will find that “perfect guy.” Looking back at the early years of my teenage life, I’ll admit I fell into that anxious category. I wasn’t desperate to find a boyfriend, but when I eventually had one I had gone completely overboard with emotion and practically forgot who I was. My personality changed, my confidence lowered, and believe it or not it wasn’t the guy who caused all of this. It was me, because it was the first time I had ever experienced feelings as strong as the ones I had at that time. I also found out that what I thought were the beginning feelings of love turned out to be nothing more than typical teenage emotion, which ended almost as quickly as that relationship did. Unlike most people who take relationships so seriously, I was pretty casual about the split. Of course, it is natural to be upset, but let's be honest here...Life goes on. Why waste time moping in corners and crying all day when I could be out having a grand ol' time sipping a cup of coffee and strolling through a park with Cassie? Don't be dependent on relationships at such a young age in your life. Tis better to relax and enjoy your life freely until God reveals His plan for you.

Cassie has helped me love my life even more
It wasn’t long until I realized that it didn’t work out because it wasn’t a part of God’s plan for me. As the months passed and emotional balances came into place, I began to realize that the truest love that any person can find is the love of God.  This world really isn’t the loveliest, and it seems that love doesn’t really last as long as it used to. People are having difficulties seeing the good in things and getting along with one another, and living happily is almost like a childhood dream. Cassie and I have been lucky enough to find out the secrets to happiness. We have uncovered love in the most mysterious ways, and have been able to bring it to life. We have been able to share that love, and spread it around. Those cloudy gray skies don’t bring us down, for we only see an opportunity to stay cozy inside with fun activities; such activities may include us acting out humorous reactions we’d have if we met our favorite celebrities, listening to songs like “I Believe In Love” by Lily Collins on continuous repeat while we attempt to learn the art of bellydancing, or simply trying to make iced coffee in the kitchen. When you grasp love in its most unexpected environment, you can totally develop an entirely new perspective of life. Everything makes sense, and relationships in this Life don’t seem as big of a deal as they used to. You sort of find that all it takes to be totally happy in this life is a strong spiritual relationship with God and a well rounded, developed, and loving friendship with someone who shares the same beliefs as you do. 

So, if you feel called to the single life, don't feel bad. Love exists in everything, it's just up to you to find it. We are all created to love in this world, but perhaps that "perfect guy" is not necessarily located in this life, but actually in the next life. Things in life will work out the way they are supposed to, but for right now, try to just love the life you have and be grateful for the good things in your life. Once you've established a love for life and love itself, you will find that you can be totally satisfied. It's your life. Cass and I are pretty independent, and right now, we aren't really planning on living for anyone except us and the Big Guy. When you've got that going for you, what else more does one need?

"They spoil every romance by trying to make it last forever." - Oscar Wilde

"Freedom bestows on us the priceless gift of opportunity- if we neglect our opportunities we shall certainly lose our freedom." - Dwight David Eisenhower


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