Wednesday, May 2, 2012

To Rely On Is To Trust

Having the ability to rely on someone is quite a spectacular ability indeed. Most of the time, people rely on the unreliable types of people, therefor the situations result in much hurt, feelings of guilt, and often times...disappointment. It can be hard to rely on someone. Specifically because when you 'rely' on them, you are trusting them. You wouldn't think so at first, but trusting someone and relying on someone go hand in hand. You need to trust that person before you can consider them reliable. Throughout life, we all go through various series of events consisting of making the wrong choices, saying the wrong things, and wishing we hadn't heard the things we heard. We encounter all types of people; those we can consider friends, and those whom we cannot. Our 'real' friendships are tested in numerous ways, often times resulting in anything from shockingly incredible to utterly disappointing. For the longest time, it would appear that I had consistently run into that "utterly disappointing" result. All the ups and downs of someone else's personal life became my own; all their troubles were told to me so long as I swore secrecy, despite the fact that their troubles made my conscience wrench and twist, but because I was considered their "one and only friend" I made the promise. And it's a funny thing, too, that even when you have done absolutely nothing wrong to the person, their anger and frustration and jealousy is taken out on you. You are the cause of all their problems. It was your fault that this situation happened. Why didn't you do anything about this?


Let's all point fingers and tell all our friends that it was all your fault. Ok. Cool. After this happened, I decided to take the time to officially 'thank' them. Thank you for truly revealing yourself. Thank you for allowing me to see how worthless I actually was to you. Thank you for opening my eyes to reality, so that I now hold the ability to see all of the lies that you told me, the reason why you hurt me, blah blah blah. Thank you for everything, 'friend', and don't trip on your way out. *sigh* doesn't that feel good?

I must be completely honest when I say that after saying this to the person in my head, I felt as if I had went on vacation. All the frustrations, hurt feelings, confusion, and other persons' troubles had completely been lifted from me. I knew my prayers were answered. God allowed this person to lash out so that I would finally be able to see their true identity. No one is perfect, that is true; but making stupid or irrational decisions just because you tell yourself that "you're not perfect" doesn't give you the green light to go ahead and ruin your life. That doesn't mean you should behave nastily towards others, hurt people, say mean things to/about them, etc. God watches everything we do every second of the day. Do you really want to watch yourself hurt someone at Judgment on God's big plasma screen t.v. when the "Everything I Did In My Life" movie (that is currently being filmed right now) is rolling for all in Heaven to see? We make choices in our lives. We make choices on what we are going to say, how we say them, and so forth. We also make choices on how we are going to respond to such actions. We decide whether or not to take what is being said or done personally, and we decided whether or not that friendship should continue. We make the choice to remove someone from our life if we know that their involvement isn't for our benefit, but for harm. We make the choice to better ourselves, strengthen ourselves, and become the best versions of ourselves we possibly can in this temporary life. We make the choice to trust and rely on someone.

Choice is a huge deal in this world. What's yours?

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I mean every word I say here when I say that in all of my life, through all the friendships I have gone through in my past, and after all the people I have met in my past, I have never met anyone like Cassie. Honest, trustworthy, loving, compassionate, reliable, understanding, selfless, warm, welcoming, hilarious, and incredibly kind. I am blessed to have her precious friendship. I am blessed to be able to trust and rely on her completely.

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