Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bringing Up Love Again

Love, I have figured, is the true cause of inspiration. That feeling, and that mysterious entity that is love, calls me to action- to express, and to create. That is why I am writing now in fact- because feeling and talking about love with my dear friend has inspired me to write. I feel that lately I have been pushed into thinking about love. I mean that in the sense that I have been trying to avoid mushy and emotional feelings and have failed. There is no particular reason behind it- no bitterness or jaded attitude towards it, I have a serious respect for it in fact, but I have knowingly attempted to keep a distance from romantic movies, and sappy love songs. However, it remains a huge part of my surroundings. The truth is- I can't escape it if I tried. I feel a little guilt in trying to escape it. I only can piece this much together: I'm continually searching for the most authentic and true aspects of love. The real and tangible parts that I can feel and see. Those are the parts that I hold onto with all my might. Those are the parts that I rely on. The rest, I trust will be revealed at the right time. 

These real and tangible parts of love flow solely from The Big Guy. They come through all kinds of creation. Food is one form. It is quite comical to admit to this, but the authentic love I feel with food is a form I heavily rely on. Traveling up the love chain are pets, and stuffed animals that I feel are my pets. There is real and authentic love formed in these types as well. Moving up higher are friends, and family and this is where things get tricky. There is more ability for love to flow through humans and therefore more freedom. Many more choices, many more avenues, and frankly a lot of room for error. It is hard to trust humans to a point where real, authentic, high forms of love are expressed and felt. This is considered a risk. Many romantics will gladly take this risk, free falling, nose diving, and crashing into those feelings in a desperate search, but I cannot say I am that type. I have always been a cautious creature, and I am aware of both the good and bad aspects of being this type of person. 

This phase that I am in right now- of keeping my distance and really only allowing a few humans, some chosen pets and stuffed animals and a lot of good food into my circle of love, will probably fade out. And I truthfully hope that it does. I know that I am capable and meant to give and accept love more freely, and to trust and embrace many more forms. It is just a matter of learning and experiencing. I am so fortunately blessed to have the best environment and support on this quest for authenticity. Those few humans I mentioned are the most important human beings on this earth, and authentically loving them is and will always be my greatest privilege. 

Cheers ta being inspired by love,

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