Friday, July 6, 2012

Thinking about Thoughts

Chloe and I like to start our day with coffee. At this point, to be honest, we need to start our day with coffee. Chloe will go to the kitchen and put the pot on or grind some fresh grounds for french press, and I will situate myself (and the cushions for the chairs) on the veranda. Family members will stop by and sit for a cup-a- joe and a chat and then go on to their activities for the day, or linger with us for stimulating discussions. Our discussions are of funny news stories, and tales of the day before or further past. What really keeps us rocking in our chairs on the veranda are the spiritual discussions. Very blog worthy topics- I assure you. I have come to view this time in the morning as very important. Starting the day with the family and smiling over coffee gives everyone the chance to reunite and reacquaint themselves with what's going on around us.

Today we got started with a conversation about thoughts. Where do they originate? It is important to know where a thought is coming from and why. Detecting good and bad thoughts is a skill that should be practiced. Our thoughts come from all over- what we see, what we hear, and who we associate with. All of those factors add up and are stored in our thoughts. Some are frequent, some are loud, some are subtle and quiet. We spoke this morning about how careful we need to be, not just because of the effects on ourselves, but on others and the world. There is so much power in a thought. There is a popular quote that sums up the chain reaction of thoughts on a personal level well-

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

  I think society today has little accountability for words and actions. One example is the language of today among teenagers and young adults. I am limiting the subject matter to my peers and those close in age to me, but I do believe the problem is on a much larger scale. Foul language has become so common and so casually used. In some cases, it is used to punctuate every sentence. We hear it on T.V. and in movies, and read it in magazines and books. Our celebrities use it in interviews and social media. Popular comedians use it for shock value and laughs. You can't go anywhere, socially; in the physical world, or in cyberspace, without coming across perverse language. I remember watching Inside The Actor's Studio on Bravo and at a certain point, towards the end of each interview, James Lipton asks each actor, "What is your favorite curse word?" The actor will laugh and reveal their pick, or state (matter-of-fact- like) their word of choice, as the audience claps and giggles. It has gotten to a point where foul language is no longer shocking, but that certainly does not eliminate the effects that it has on a personal and global level.

There is energy surrounding, and making up each thought in your mind, and every word coming from your mouth. The energy can be positive or negative. It can stimulate life or depress it. Sounds extreme, but every word has an effect on the earth and everything in it. It's vibration exits your body and travels into the atmosphere, and you can't get that back. I think it is sad that people have become so careless. Even if they know the effects of what they put out, they simply don't hold themselves responsible. It's like the Disney Channel stars, "growing up" and wanting to "challenge themselves" with adult subject matter, or risque roles and saying that they aren't responsible for their young, impressionable fan base being influenced. We all make excuses for what we want and try our hardest to come out clean, taking no responsibility for our actions, but the effects are always there.

There is a need to find more meaning. Everyone wants a purpose and craves self- worth, but they don't start in the right place. Yes, my point has been to watch your thoughts and speak with purpose, knowing that there is significant meaning behind everything you put out, but really the place you have to start forming and originating all energy from is your heart. Where the Big Guy lives. That is the most important task.

Chloe and I are still on the veranda, with our re-heated coffee, working on our posts and cartoons. These posts and her artwork are what we choose to put out there. What we are creating. Our thoughts and experiences expressed and shared, and I do believe both our hearts are fully engaged in the process.  I have been working on this post with a drive to take this concept to heart. The concept of having deep meaning behind my words, and keeping my thoughts in check. This is starting to make me laugh- imagining myself with a stoic look, trying to find deep meaning behind all my thoughts. This is not the approach I can honestly see myself taking. One thing about this process is it has to be authentic- but when you are starting at the heart, there is no other option.


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